The laurel wreath is a symbol of victory and greatness, while laurel itself is an accessible remedy for severe illnesses such as malaria, cholera, and dysentery. Due to its chemical composition , laurel essential oil is used as an antiseptic and repellent, and for wound healing and antimicrobial properties.
Laurel essential oil cares for oily skin with inflamed elements and acne, and helps eliminate dandruff.
Compresses with laurel essential oil heal weeping wounds and abscesses, disinfect and close old non-healing ulcers, for example, in diabetic patients.
A highly effective remedy is foot baths with a few drops of laurel oil. These baths eliminate fungi and unpleasant odors, have a long-lasting effect, and can permanently solve problems with sweaty feet. Treatment with laurel is very effective.
Laurel essential oil has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, relieves muscle pain, and lowers blood pressure.
Gargling and rinsing the mouth with this oil disinfect and destroy bacteria, easing sore throat.
There is an opinion that the aroma of laurel oil boosts self-esteem, instills confidence, and courage.
However, laurel is toxic. Therefore, it’s important not to get carried away and exceed the recommended dosages – 3-4 drops for baths, foot soaks, compresses, and aroma lamps. It is advisable not to use laurel essential oil for longer than three weeks. Those particularly sensitive may experience headaches. Laurel can be grown at home on a windowsill .