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Oregano in Medicine. Treating with Oregano

Oregano is popular in medicine not only among herbalists. The powerful antibiotic in its chemical composition destroys the shell of golden staphylococcus. Oregano treatment really works.

On my windowsill, a small oregano bush has been growing for the fourth month now, and it’s my favorite spice, along with coriander and thyme. You already know how to grow oregano in a pot .

Treating with Oregano is effective largely due to the unique substance Carvacrol. Carvacrol is a potent antibiotic and antihistamine, which is why oregano is used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antimicrobial agent. Oregano in Medicine

Oregano decoction, although not very pleasant in taste, is highly effective for whooping cough and bronchitis as an expectorant. It has a mild laxative effect, especially for colitis and enterocolitis with bloating.

Oregano improves bile flow and cleanses the sweat glands. It reduces menstrual pain and normalizes the cycle. It also has hemostatic effects. Oregano’s sedative properties are beneficial for insomnia and headaches, and it effectively lowers blood pressure due to its diuretic and calming effects.

There is a recommendation to use an oregano blend during smoking cessation: coltsfoot, marshmallow, and oregano. Use half the amount of oregano compared to the other herbs. Three tablespoons of the blend are poured with boiling water in a half-liter thermos and infused for 2 hours. The strained decoction alleviates withdrawal symptoms, cleanses the lungs, and simply calms.

External Use of Oregano: Warm poultices made from oregano help with eczema and dermatitis. Oregano tincture can be used to wipe the face with acne. Compresses clean boils, and gargling with it helps with sore throat. For children with diathesis, baths with oregano can relieve itching and disinfect small wounds. Washing wounds with oregano infusion is very effective. There are positive results from using oregano rinses for hair loss, for example, using Essential Oil .


Oregano Infusion: 2 tablespoons of dried oregano leaves per 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 15-20 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup twice a day in warm form, 15 minutes before meals. This infusion is also suitable for compresses, poultices, and gargles. For baths, use 10 tablespoons of raw material in 10 liters of water.

Uses of Oregano Infusion: stomach cramps, jaundice, bronchitis, intestinal pain, whooping cough, menstrual pain, amenorrhea, migraine.

Contraindication: Should not be used by pregnant women, unless it’s as a spice.



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