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Decoupage of Flower Pots with Fabric

I had some small clay pots with peeling paint and cotton collars from my school uniform. I thought it would be great to combine these items to make a decoupage of flower pots.

First, I sanded the surface of the pots and covered them with several layers of PVA glue (2-3 layers).

Once the surface was dry, I applied another layer of glue and placed the lace. I then coated the surface again with glue (you can use a stiff brush and press the glue into the fabric). Let the glue dry and repeat a couple of times. These steps aren’t particularly labor-intensive, but drying takes a lot of time. Excess fabric can be trimmed.

Next, I used oil paints to cover the pots. After a week, I applied another layer of paint. Once everything was completely dry, I coated it with a layer of clear varnish (spray varnish), though this is optional; oil paint alone is sufficient, but varnish adds extra gloss.

This method of decorating flower pots by hand is quite time-consuming but worth it.

Another pot decoration idea is in the article Decorating Flower Pots .



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