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Beneficial Properties of Oregano. Chemical Composition of Oregano

Oregano is not just a magnificent spice. Its beneficial properties are impressive. Oregano oil kills Staphylococcus aureus, which no antibiotic can tackle (a frightening thing, by the way). This antibacterial property is provided by the chemical composition of oregano, specifically the substance carvacrol. This compound dissolves the membranes of microbes and protozoa – such as giardia and worms, for example. beneficial properties of oregano

Chemical Composition of Oregano

  • 1.2% essential oil (relatively high);
  • Thymol – a phenol found in the essential oils of some herbs (such as thyme and our oregano), used in the production of menthol, as an anti-worm agent, pain reliever, and antiseptic in dentistry, and as a natural preservative;
  • Geranyl acetate – a liquid with a rose and geranium scent, used in perfumery and the food industry. An excellent natural flavoring;
  • Carvacrol – a phenol, a natural antibiotic. Production of soap, laundry detergent, medical bandages, and sprays with carvacrol has recently begun;
  • Vitamin C – 565 mg in the leaves alone, slightly less in the flowers and stems. Seeds contain up to 30 mg of fatty oil.

Oregano is used in medicine to treat the nervous system, stomach and intestinal diseases, liver and biliary tract issues, bronchitis, and inflammation of the sweat glands.

Less known are oregano’s wound healing properties. It can be used to wash wounds, apply poultices, and make compresses for boils, abscesses, eczema, and seborrhea. Personally, a gargle made from oregano decoction helped with my sore throat, and as a bonus, it kept my breath fresh all day.

Oregano essential oil helps treat sprains, muscle inflammation, and bruises. My grandmother dissolves a few drops of oregano essential oil in sea buckthorn oil and rubs it on her arthritis-twisted joints – the pain and inflammation noticeably subside. Treatment with oregano is very effective.

I add oregano oil to my husband’s neutral shampoo as a preventative measure against dandruff.

It’s nice that something so tasty can be so beneficial. I highly recommend sprinkling oregano on pizza and pasta, and don’t forget to add some to chicken stewed in sour cream. Plus, growing oregano on your windowsill isn’t too difficult either.



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