Lavender is a beautiful plant with unique medicinal properties. The scent of lavender helps to organize thoughts and aids sleep, while lavender oil heals wounds and severe burns. In many European countries, lavender has its traditional applications in medicine.
For instance, French doctors use lavender as a calming, sedative, and antispasmodic agent.
Poles use lavender for otitis, neuralgia, bronchitis, and loss of voice.
Germans wash their hair with lavender decoction, make burn ointments, and use it to scent their rooms.
Australians appreciate lavender for its anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.
Bulgarians treat digestive disorders, pain, and bloating with lavender.
As a calming agent, lavender holds its own against valerian, and as an anti-inflammatory, it rivals sage. Personally, I particularly respect lavender for its help with the first signs of a migraine - I apply a drop of lavender essential oil to my temples, and the attack is alleviated (the key is not to miss the moment when nothing else can prevent an attack).
Treatment with lavender is effective for vascular spasms and menstrual pain. Lavender restores strength after fatigue and aids during the recovery period after a stroke.
If you are irritable and quick-tempered, suffer from mood swings - drink tea with lavender and use lavender oil in aroma lamps. Lavender enhances stress resistance and improves memory.
Ointment with lanolin and lavender oil heals serious burns and purulent inflammation, and effectively cleanses the face of acne and inflamed pimples due to its unique chemical composition .
Lavender is traditionally used as a choleretic agent in liver and gallbladder diseases. It strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes heart rhythm, and alleviates tachycardia.
Lavender baths are a wonderful natural sleeping aid.
Lavender for migraines: 6 grams of lavender per liter of water; do not boil, simply pour boiling water over it and let it steep for at least 30 minutes. Drink a glass twice a day, or take 3 drops of oil on a piece of sugar. It helps not only with headaches but also improves digestion.
Lavender sachets: A fragrant pouch by the bed normalizes sleep, while one at the workplace brings thoughts into order.
You can grow a lavender bush in a pot on your windowsill .