Marjoram is the perfect herb for growing on a windowsill. After all, during winters in our regions, marjoram planted in the garden tends to freeze, requiring reseeding every spring. However, with stable apartment temperatures, you can grow marjoram from seeds in a pot.
How to Grow Marjoram from Seeds
- Choose a pot with a capacity of up to two liters, ensuring good drainage and a thick layer of substrate. Roots require a depth of about 20 cm.
- Seeds can be treated before planting by soaking them in a manganese solution for a couple of hours. Sow seeds no deeper than one centimeter, moisten the soil, and cover with a plastic film until the first shoots appear.
- Seeds germinate quickly in warm conditions. Young sprouts need a constant temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.
- Marjoram is not afraid of temperature drops, so it can even survive wintering on an insulated balcony, provided the temperature does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius.
- Water the plant as the soil dries out, and mist it occasionally. If marjoram doesn’t get enough light, its leaves may pale, but overall, a lack of light will not kill it.
- Begin trimming marjoram after about one and a half months to encourage bushier growth.
- Be sure to fertilize marjoram with mineral nutrients.