There are many ways to use eggshells. Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium and have a unique structure and shape, making them suitable for various aspects of our lives.
7 Ways to Use Eggshells
1. Sprouting in Eggshells
Eggshells are an ideal alternative to plastic cups for sowing and sprouting seeds. They are much more nutritious and cost-effective than peat pellets, and are 100% more eco-friendly than plastic trays and cups. The eggshell will serve as a complete ecosystem for seedlings.
2. Eggshell Fertilizer
Eggshells consist almost entirely of calcium, which is absorbed by living organisms much more efficiently than calcium from dairy sources. Grind dried shells into powder, mix them with used coffee grounds, sprinkle the mixture at the base of plants every two weeks, and water them. Calcium is loved by roses, succulents, laurels, ferns, spider plants, and more. However, eggshells neutralize acidity, which is not suitable for all plants. Read more here .
3. Soil Conditioner from Eggshells
Crush dried shells in a bag or mortar, then mix them with soil along with perlite and vermiculite. The hydrogen sulfide from the egg particles and calcium will slowly fertilize the soil. In this case, avoid using other calcium-based fertilizers.
4. Eggshell as a Cleaning Agent
Use ground eggshells for cleaning stainless steel, bronze, and aluminum items—pots, pans, trays—essentially anything that can be cleaned with abrasives. Eggshells can replace baking soda. Tall, narrow vases can also be cleaned without a brush; simply pour in crushed eggshells, add a drop of dish soap, fill with hot water, and shake thoroughly. Eggshell powder cleans tea and coffee stains from cups better than baking soda.
5. DIY Calcium Supplement
To learn how to prepare and properly consume homemade calcium from eggshells, check out the article Calcium from Eggshells .
6. Calcium for Animals from Eggshells
Add powdered eggshells to natural pet food (without needing to dry them). If your dog has an upset stomach from overeating or consuming fatty/sugary foods, sprinkle the powder into their meal, and they’ll recover within a day.
7. Crafts with Eggshells
Eggshells can be used to create mosaics, filled with wax to make egg-shaped candles, filled with chocolate, stuffed with batter and baked into egg-shaped muffins, or even used for jelly and aspic. Eggshells have countless creative and culinary applications.