Fenugreek, trigonella, mushroom grass, shambhala—this is quite a fascinating herb that tastes somewhat like mushrooms. To be precise, its flavor is a blend of nutty and mushroom-like. Fenugreek seeds are a key ingredient in some of the most delicious spices: curry, khmeli-suneli, and adjika. The greens can be added to salads, soups, or meat dishes. When the seeds are roasted, the aroma becomes more intense and the flavor more “mushroomy.” Fenugreek sprouts are packed with numerous vitamins and minerals: A, C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B9, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc.
Before purchasing a packet of seeds, I had never tried this herb before, so I decided to grow a few plants myself.
How to Grow Fenugreek in a Pot
Growing fenugreek in a pot is a straightforward process—a 1.5-liter pot, a sunny windowsill, and plenty of watering are sufficient for 3-5 plants. Fenugreek seeds germinate excellently, but just to be safe, I decided to pre-soak them.
I moistened a cotton pad with warm water, spread the seeds on it, and covered them with another damp cotton pad. I placed this setup in a dark spot, and by the next day, each seed already had a little sprout. I planted the seeds about 1 cm deep, leaving room in the pot for soil to be added later when the sprouts grow taller.
Watering must be plentiful, and the soil should be loose and nutrient-rich. I spray the plants daily. I fertilize them in the same way as most of my undemanding plants—every two weeks with a universal fertilizer. For planting, I mix the soil with ash .
Two-week-old fenugreek sprouts
Two months after the seedlings appear, the plants should bloom and begin producing fruit. Once that happens, I’ll provide an update.
Fenugreek. One-month-old sprouts
So, fenugreek has bloomed and produced pods with seeds. Looks like it’s time to harvest!